Why grandpa’s tiled stove was so nice and cozy…

…and how you can have this feeling again today

The functioning of tiled stoves

With warmth almost all people associate something beautiful. Who does not think of the good old tiled stove from grandpa… But how does it work at all? The key word is radiant heat: this radiant heat of a tiled stove is beneficial, because it heats mild and very pleasant. As a result, it creates an indoor climate that provides comfort for people. Causally, tile stoves have an enormously high storage capacity due to their mass and volume and emit the stored heat in the form of infrared rays into the room over a long period of time as so-called mild radiant heat. Radiant heat creates little to no air turbulence, which is good for the respiratory system.

This phenomenon can be compared with the way the sun’s rays work: It too hits surfaces with its rays and heats them slowly and evenly. So is the tiled stove: it does not extract the contained humidity from the room by strong heating and rapid cooling. We find that pleasant.

Therefore, it stands to reason that owners of tiled stoves feel better in the long run. Thermal radiation consists of long-wave infrared radiation that penetrates the skin, which causes us to be very sensitive to heat. Radiant heat thus increases the sense of well-being, the muscles relax and the complete human organism is revitalized.


The principle of convection plays an important role in heating fireplaces and classic oil/gas heating systems: convection heat is generated by drawing in cool air close to the ground and heating it up. This causes it to rise to the top, where it exits through ventilation grilles. This creates a circuit that heats rooms quickly, easily and effectively. Convection is always associated with air turbulence, which also raises dust.

AeroFlow® heaters

During the development of AeroFlow® electric heaters, care was taken to combine the functioning of tiled stoves (heat radiation) and classical heaters (convection). AeroFlow® surface storage heaters show that the effect of tiled stoves is also possible in smaller designs.

Thermotec AG - Why grandpa's tiled stove was so nice and cozy... - Kachelofen Ersatz AeroFlow Elektroheizung

All electric heaters from AeroFlow® stand for pleasantly warm indoor climate, which is typical for tiled stoves and is also what everyone wants. This is ensured by two important principles. On the one hand, improved heat storage through a fireclay core is used. The fireclay provides the radiant heat. On the other hand, the externally mounted louvers provide an improved heat flow concept that has been optimized through research over the years. The great thing is that all electric heaters are installed very quickly and without much effort. Besides the great advantage of having a pleasant air and warmth in the room, the way of heating is also cost-saving compared to night storage heaters or fan heaters. Night storage heaters heat when you sleep. The heat is released throughout the day when most people are not at home. If you return in the evening, the rooms are relatively cool. Fan heaters and pure convectors heat the air very quickly, but they are noisy and do not heat the objects in the room. Thus, the warming effect fizzles out as soon as you turn them off. With the ability to program AeroFlow® storage heaters, you’ll have warm living spaces exactly when you’re home. This is more efficient than any night storage or convector and will have a positive effect on your energy costs in the long run.

AeroFlow® electric radiators also boast low initial costs compared to gas or oil heating systems and are maintenance-free.


Innovative electric heaters can also mimic the soothing effect of grandpa’s tiled stove with little effort and provide pleasant warmth in your own four walls thanks to outstanding efficiency and a balanced heating concept of radiant heat and convection.

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