FlexiSmart gateway firmware update

Dear customers,

If you encounter problems connecting to the gateway via mobile data, please update the firmware of the device.

If you have the firmware T18xxx, T19xxx, then install the version T190411

If you have the firmware T20xxx, then install the version T210319

Check in the AeroFlow app which firmware is installed on your gateway and download one of the installation data. You can find them in our download area.

To find out which firmware version is installed on your Internet module:

Thermotec AG - FlexiSmart gateway firmware update - 1 873x1080 2
Thermotec AG - FlexiSmart gateway firmware update - 2 881x1080 1

Note: The gateway and your mobile device must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network.


  • Gateway, USB cable (included)
  • Paper clip
  • PC with Windows 7 operating system or higher
  • Firmware file incl. corresponding flash software (both included in the ZIP file)

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