The Raumklimaplus team presents: 8 good reasons for an electric heater
Choosing the right heating is crucial for well-being and health. At the same time, heating costs should be kept low and the environment should be protected. Therefore, the Raumklimaplus team has taken a closer look at the advantages and features of electric heaters for you and presents 8 good reasons for this heating option.
1. short lead times
One of the biggest advantages of electric heating is that it heats up quickly. Within a very short time, the room is flooded with a pleasant warmth and the feeling of well-being increases. Long lead times hinder heating flexibility and cost extra money.
2. cheap to purchase
The initial costs are relatively low compared to other heating options. Due to the simple mounting, no complex installations need to be carried out: For operation, only a socket is necessary, pipe system are not laid. Therefore, you do not need an installer to set up, and the heater is quickly ready for use.
3. maintenance free
The heater is maintenance-free, which saves further costs as well as time. The freedom from maintenance is complemented by the high reliability and good access to all relevant components.
4. targeted programming and precise control options
The individual radiators can be controlled separately and thus set to the desired temperature. The programming option is crucial to avoid unnecessary heating.
5. a small footprint
Electric heaters such as compact tile stoves from AeroFlow® are particularly space-saving. They are mounted on the wall and have a flat design. They are very well integrated into the design of the room.
6. cost savings
Electric heating in combination with the house insulation have good energy efficiency. You turn on the radiator when needed and the room is heated. When the room has reached the desired temperature, the heating can be switched off again. Due to the high efficiency and the lack of heating time you save them thus save money.
7. pleasant radiant heat
Well-being and comfort are good reasons to buy electric heating. An insider tip from the Raumklimaplus team are the compact tile stoves from AeroFlow®, as they produce a particularly pleasant radiant heat. In addition, you get a 30-year functional warranty.
8. pleasant indoor climate
The air dries out less and dust turbulence is avoided. Not only allergy sufferers benefit from the pleasant indoor climate.
Reduce costs and heat environmentally friendly – tips from the Raumklimaplus team
Since electric heaters are powered by electricity, their environmental friendliness depends on the electricity tariff chosen. If nuclear power is not used and you choose an eco-rate, the heating system will be environmentally friendly. Thanks to the precise control option, costs are reduced and the environment is doubly protected.
The Raumklimaplus team is convinced
The Raumklimaplus team has made the practical test and convinced themselves of the comfort of electric heating. The precise control option in particular attracted positive attention. According to studies, the risk of catching a cold increases in winter not only because of low temperatures outside but also because of overheated rooms. Electric heating offers the great advantage here that it can be individually controlled and regulated. This allows the temperature to be adjusted to personal preferences and needs at any time. However, it is crucial to pay attention to high quality when choosing the right model. Compact tile stoves from AeroFlow® meet these requirements and are therefore a good choice.