Atmospheric lighting for Christmas

Many impressions are associated with the Christmas season. In addition to apples, nuts and almond kernels, the good food on Christmas Day and the many other small and large traditions, in earlier times it was not least about bringing a little light into the house during the darkest time of the year. This is where we from Raumklimaplus would like to tie in. Because the candlelight of the Christmas tree is one of the central things on Christmas Eve. But how do I provide lighting at home that gives the tree and candles the right prominence? Here it is worth taking a look at

Shorter days mean longer evenings

While life at home in the summer often takes place in the garden or on the balcony until late in the evening, people generally retreat into their own four walls much earlier during the cold season. Especially when you come from outside frozen through, the desire for warmth and comfort is particularly present. The concept of Raumklimaplus is to create a holistic feel-good atmosphere here. In addition to warmth as such, the color scheme of a room and its illumination play an important role in the perception of warmth. Bright and direct light has a much cooler effect than discreet indirect lighting, which also allows for less illuminated parts of the room. In terms of indirect lighting can be found on many examples. This is also important because each room is different from the cut, interior design and spatial effect as such.

Make the Christmas Eve a real highlight

Even the basic illumination of a room requires a high degree of skill during planning in order to make it harmonious with the dimension and design of the room as such in terms of brightness, color scheme and perceived temperature. However, the solutions that can be found on do not always coincide with the requirements that the Christmas season places on the lighting of the living room. Based on our many years of experience, we at Raumklimaplus have found that many people often have difficulties on this very point, in terms of planning and arranging the holidays between the years. Basically, there are only a few simple things to keep in mind. The most important point here is the correct placement of the Christmas tree.

Consider the lighting of the room when setting up the tree with

The most important moment for the Christmas tree comes when the family gathers around it to give each other gifts. Accordingly, a lot of space is needed under the tree and around it. Accordingly, in most living rooms it is placed where there is the most space. However, the effect of the candles on the tree completely fizzles out if it is thereby near a strong light source. Therefore, it is better to look for the right compromise, that is, to find a place in the room where there is little other lighting and the space around the tree is sufficient for the decoration.

Set the right accents with Raumklimaplus and

At no other time of the year do families find each other again as strongly as at Christmas. That’s why we at Raumklimaplus want to help you find what you’re looking for on to put your living area in the right light for the holidays. Be inspired by the different options and find the right solution for your four walls.

A Merry Christmas wish Raumklimaplus and

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